
Post Liberty Cabaret Depression and Other News

It's been a while since my last post so I thought it was time. I also have lots to tell you about life since the first weekend of the Liberty Cabaret. I'm still recovering from this nasty little bronchitus flare-up that has been wreaking havoc on all of my singing endeavors. The second weekend of the Liberty Cabaret went really well, although my performance of Dangerous Game with Bryon left a lot to be desired... he was great. Me? Not so much. Another irritating part was that this performance was the only one that was taped. However, Maybe This Time and At Last were probably my strongest performance of each so it's not a total loss. I'm pretty sad to see this one end. We've all become such a tight-knit group that we were all pretty sad to say goodbye to each other. It was probably my last Barrow show, at least for a while so it was hard for me.

As far as the Nunsense audition went, I didn't get a callback. I was a little sad but I knew that it was for the best since a callback would have prevented me from going to work on Monday and I probably would have gotten fired for missing it. The last day of the month is the most important for me, as a billing person. If Billing Day falls on a weekend then we do it on Monday.

Although I didn't get a part in Nunsense, I had a really nice time in Pittsburgh on Sunday night. I started out around 4:30 and got to my friend Ted's house around 6:15. He and I talked about theatre and whatnot for a little over an hour when we both had to leave. Because of the construction that was going on in the theatre district I got a little lost, but ultimately found my way. When I parked in the parking garage closest to the CLO Academy I met a girl named Rachel who was also auditioning for the show. As we were walking to the Academy, we found that we had a lot in common. It was her first audition with CLO as well. Neither of us got called back but we're both auditioning for the summer season in two weeks! Altogether, not a bad first audition. To think I had much of a shot would be ludicrous so I just had fun with it and learned as much as possible.